We are building a tool to help companies design low carbon products, understand their supply chain and where their emissions come from, and reduce those emissions to zero (without offsets, actual reductions).
I started working with Vipps in 2018 after moving to Norway. My first year with Vipps was spent almost entirely focused on recruiting. After bringing lots of great developers to the team, I focused on Tech Strategy, Career Paths and Development Planning, as well as working with some teams operationally when needed.
Starting in 2014, I worked with an awesome group of engineers to modernize and then develop all aspects of the CreativeLive website and apps. I became Director of Engineering in 2016, which allowed me to work with the exec team and learn a ton about long-term planning, goal setting, and leadership.
Built out the current version of the website and web app for theBoardlist, which is a professional network that facilitates placing women on company boards.
I built this as a way to keep track of my Bitcoin transactions, which are spread across a few different wallets and exchanges.
(Domain taken over by CryptoTrader.Tax in 2017)I worked with a startup based in Cambridge, MA for a few years. We made an app that lets consumers send a message to any business in North America and get a text response in minutes. I built the consumer website, a web application for our call center, and the Android app. I also do anything else that needs doing.
I took some time off in 2008 to be a volunteer English teacher in Chile. For six months, I taught at Liceo Polivalente Hernando de Magallanes in Porvenir, which is a small town on the Tierra del Fuego. After that, I traveled for six months, starting in Antarctica and then making my way north along the Andes.
I made two versions of the Yahoo! home page back in the day (2004) while working in Sunnyvale, CA. In 2006, I transferred to the London, UK office and worked on the European sites. I also worked on the Starbucks Digital Network project in late 2010 doing mostly mobile web development.
A talk about my experience moving to Oslo after many years in SF and Silicon Valley. It was a surprise to me that living in Oslo feels more like living in the future than life in SF, and it also made me reflect a lot on why life is so different.
You can watch a recording from the Y Oslo conference in 2021 or Booster conference in 2022 or just have a look at the slides with speaker notes.
let resume = {
name: 'James Byrum',
experience: [{
company: 'Variable',
url: 'https://variable.co',
location: 'Oslo, Norway',
startDate: new Date('2022-02-01'),
endDate: undefined,
jobTitle: 'CTO'
}, {
company: 'Vipps',
url: 'https://vipps.no',
location: 'Oslo, Norway',
startDate: new Date('2018-08-06'),
endDate: new Date('2022-01-31'),
jobTitle: 'Engineering Manager'
}, {
company: 'CreativeLive',
url: 'https://creativelive.com',
location: 'San Francisco, CA',
startDate: new Date('2014-05-05'),
endDate: new Date('2018-01-12'),
jobTitle: 'Director of Engineering'
}, {
company: 'theBoardlist',
url: 'https://theboardlist.com',
location: 'San Francisco, CA',
startDate: new Date('2015-09-01'),
endDate: new Date('2018-01-29'),
jobTitle: 'Principal Engineer'
}, {
company: 'Coin Ledger',
url: 'https://coinledger.io',
location: 'San Francisco, CA',
startDate: new Date('2014-02-05'),
endDate: new Date('2017-09-25'),
jobTitle: 'Everything'
}, {
company: 'TalkTo',
url: 'https://talkto.com',
location: 'Cambridge, MA',
startDate: new Date('2010-11-16'),
endDate: new Date('2014-04-18'),
jobTitle: 'Engineer'
}, {
company: 'WebMocha',
url: 'https://webmocha.com',
location: 'San Francisco, CA',
startDate: new Date('2009-10-01'),
endDate: new Date('2010-12-15'),
jobTitle: 'Lead Web Developer'
}, {
jobTitle: 'Traveler',
locations: ['Antarctica', 'Andes Mountains',
'Atacama Desert', 'Perú'],
startDate: new Date('2008-12-12'),
endDate: new Date('2009-09-30')
}, {
organization: 'Ministerio de Educación de Chile',
location: 'Porvenir, Chile',
startDate: new Date('2008-07-01'),
endDate: new Date('2008-12-10'),
jobTitle: 'English Teacher'
}, {
company: 'Yahoo!',
url: 'https://yahoo.com',
locations: ['Sunnyvale, CA', 'London, UK'],
startDate: new Date('2004-05-01'),
endDate: new Date('2008-06-30'),
jobTitle: 'Frontend Engineer'
}, {
company: 'NEC',
url: 'https://www.necam.com/',
location: 'Santa Clara, CA',
startDate: new Date('2000-05-08'),
endDate: new Date('2004-04-30'),
jobTitle: 'Frontend Engineer'
patents: [{
publicationNumber: 'US 8898157 B2',
title: 'Systems and methods for providing search relevancy in communication initiation searches',
url: 'https://www.google.com/patents/US8898157'
}, {
publicationNumber: 'US 9015155 B2',
title: 'Multi-user communication system and method',
url: 'https://www.google.com/patents/US9015155'
}, {
publicationNumber: 'US 20130268446 A1',
title: 'System and method for entry of structured data',
url: 'https://www.google.com/patents/US20130268446'
}, {
publicationNumber: 'US 20130066988 A1',
title: 'System and method for establishing presence in a brokered chat system',
url: 'https://www.google.com/patents/US20130066988'
technologies: [
'HTML5', 'CSS3', 'Javascript',
'Node.js', 'Express',
'React', 'Angular',
'Python', 'Django',
'Nginx', 'Apache',
'MongoDB', 'Redis', 'MySQL',
'WebRTC', 'Go', 'Java', 'Arduino'
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